
Advocacy for our Laboratorians

Our primary goal is to advocate for our profession and our patients. We do this by representing the interests of the clinical laboratory and affiliated professions and members of the Society in all government and other forums that affect these interests and being involved in national and state legislation and promoting licensure for all medical laboratory professionals.


We want to provide educational opportunities to students, future students, non-laboratory professionals and patients.

Current Leadership

Officers                                       Board Members

President – Heather Santaniello                 (2025)Kevin Staats
President-Elect – Norma Battle                  (2025) Drew Jones
Past President –Beckie Hetrick                   (2026) Kasey Edwardson
Secretary – TBD                                         (2026) Alexis Carpenter
Treasurer – Richard Harmon                      (2027) Celestia Seymour
                                                                   Developing Professional- TBD
                                                                   Ascending Professional- Carlee Roberts

Representatives at large

Karen Gunther

Yan Zheng
Miranda Keith

Standing Committee members

Annual Meeting Coordinator Becki Hetrick/Heather Santaniello Membership Development Renee Hodgkins
Awards Eric Elsinghorst Nominations Becki Hetrick
Bylaws Marla Williams PACE Administrator Beckie Hetrick
Education Jan Hudzicki Promotion of the Profession Leah Ade
Finance Megan Neill Public Relations Heather Santaniello
Government Affairs Heather Santaniello Publications Carlee Roberts