

The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science – Kansas (ASCLS-KS) is a constituent society of The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) and a member of ASCLS Region VI.

ASCLS-KS was established as a platform for interaction among Kansas laboratory professionals. ASCLS-KS seeks to represent the issues of laboratories, both large and small, urban and rural, from across the state. We advocate for the advancement of all the laboratory professions, quality in laboratory services, and healthcare that is safe, effective, equitable, and patient centered.


ASCLS-KS exists to:

  • Promote excellence in clinical laboratory methods and research.
  • Enhance the professional status and images of our members.
  • Promote educational, economic, and social interests of our members.
  • Create mutual understanding and cooperation between laboratorians and other health professionals.


Announcements List

  • Kansas Annual Meeting!


  • Link to Register for the ASCLS-KS annual meeting

  • Please consider becoming part of the ASCLS KS Leadership Team!!

    2024 Call for Nominations


    This is a call for nominations to serve on the ASCLS Kansas Leadership Team. Please consider running for the following positions:


    For questions or to make a nomination, please contact Jennifer Jones, Nominations Chair and Past President jjones1@kumc.edu


    President-elect:  2 years

    The President elect shall become familiar with the duties of the office of President, shall assist the President as the President may from time to time direct, and shall, in the absence of the President, act as chief executive of the Society, and preside at meetings of the Society and Board of Directors.



    • Professional, Ascending Professional or Emeritus members for at least three (3) consecutive years immediately prior to election.
    • Shall have served on the Board or a committee of the Society.
    • Shall have attended at least four meetings of the Board of Directors


    Treasurer: 2 years


    The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Society, shall file required financial reports, and chair the Finance Committee.



    • Professional, Ascending Professional or Emeritus members for at least three (3) consecutive years immediately prior to election.
    • Shall have served on the Board or a committee of the Society.
    • Shall have attended at least four meetings of the Board of Directors


    Director: one 3-year position and one 2-year position

    The Directors, with the Society officers, are responsible for the management of the affairs of the Society between business meetings.


    • Professional, Ascending Professional or Emeritus members for at least one (1) year.

    Representatives at Large: three 1-year positions


    • Professional, Ascending Professional or Emeritus members for at least one (1) year.


    ASCLS Delegates: 2 positions

    ASCLS-KANSAS Members willing to serve in the ASCLS House of Delegates will be chosen at the ASCLS-KS 2024 Annual Meeting.  These delegates will serve a one-year term. Attendees will have the option to attend the meeting in-person or virtually, giving the delegates the option of attending face to face or online. Delegates MUST be registered for the Joint Annual Meeting.

    ASCLS Delegate duties include:

    • Voting in the election of the 2024-2025 officers, which occurs on Tuesday, July 9, 2024
    • Participating in the House of Delegates Meeting on Thursday, July 11, 2024
    • Participating in the mid-year House of Delegates Meeting in January 2025